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'Magical Beast' - A 'Flame Footed Rock Cricket' isn't something that should exist...

but anything is possible with magic.


3 15

Working on the magic week challenge for beasts, I ended up getting several cards for beasts that do not exist. Interesting surprise!

(1/3) 🧵 --> will post a few more, two at a time to see easier.

1 14

Love the way my little tree has grown the past couple months. The 1st image is a prompt I did for "Happy little tree", I loved it back then and still love it now. is exact same prompt now. It's grown into a happy mighty tree. Love them both!

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Mythical Beasts! Magic week Day 3

"Siren and Her Bearded Dragon"

"And the ghosts of the sailors who died on the rocks
Feel not a twitch of regret
Though the wind may tangle the hair on your head
You sing like a siren to me" Cracker "Dr. Bernice"

1 18

Day 3 of Magic week!

Mythical Beasts!

“In order to rise from its own ashes a phoenix first must burn.” — Octavia E. Butler

4 9

Nijijourney🌈 aspect 2:3/3:2対応を祝って✨🎉🎊1:1のボツ分を放出💦

Japanese mythology: outtakes

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