Here are my latest Pokémon commissions. Follow my instagram: allisonsp11 for more. DM if interested.

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Hi, Today I'm going to start a hashtag called This tag is supposed to be where artists draw their favorite pokemon in MOBA splash art style as if they were in a MOBA. This tag will end by April 31st.

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I love the bandana around this Meganium! He looks tough!🌺

Wonderful Artist:

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Sure it's Monday, but Meganium feels like can take on the world today!🌺

Hope you guys have a great week!

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I give the Direct a solid 8/10. Didn't blow my expectations away but it gave me what I was expecting and more which is all I can ask for.🌺

Meganium nostalgia was on point the whole time! Hoping to get some news soon!

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The sun is out and it is finally warming up! Be sure to share the good vibes with everyone you know!🌺

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Se sabe que el juego pokemon unite, el pokemon moba, tendrá skins para los pkm y me encantó el pirata cinderace, así que aquí se los traigo

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¡Rediseño! ⚡❤️Se anunciaron las Skins para Pokémon Unite y este de pikachu me gustó mucho que hasta le hice este fanart 😍 ⚡❤️

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Prepárense para los problemas y mas vale que teman
villanos que jamás odiaremos

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Better than teaming up with a company in support of the CCP against human rights for

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Pikachu is holding a very interesting card right here

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