tvN popular series is having their own webtoon remake an release the first image.

Apart from Signal, also will be produced as webtoon VF

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FINNALLY Onne thing done out of million fnfnjfnfjfn
‘s animatic redraws from laplace angel animatic 💙I used 2 different programs procreate and MediBang ^^

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Having our first bump in the road. Episode 2 WILL be out tomorrow and will be better than previously planned. Stay tuned

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i want this man to kick my teeth in and laugh about it 🏃‍♀️

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Another Cutie Honey episode, and Crocodile Claw is some incredible design. The badguys are just getting weirder and weirder.

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This is Will, Will is not very nice, if you meet him, turns back if you don't want trouble 👀

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Just finished rehearsals for episode 2 of ❗ Good times were had, can't wait to record next week!

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The badguys in One Punch Man are the ones that gloat and monolog and make threats. They believe that because they've sacrificed so much, because they've worked so much harder than others, they're entitled to take things by force. The law of the jungle.

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And finally the original rough scribbles I started with for them. Them being badguys for RP I never planned on going into more detail than this, but over time I just wanted to show them more accurately with their armour and faces.

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Introducing a couple of loveable NPC twins for my players to attach to so that I can later arrange for them to be ripped away by badguys. Will my players be able to rescue their nerds this Saturday??!!

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So this fat fox woman took off her helmet cus it made it hard to collect broken stuff. Yay! Then she fell down and badguys showed up. Oh no! But her buddy took her gun and shot them. Yay! And now her buddy has to help the fat fox woman up. Hilarity ensues.

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