After defeating rescuing Fantomex, standing against the Skinless man, and stopping the Omnigod in Otherworld, X-Force return to Earth. Betsy and Fantomex finally consummate their affair and it doesn’t go as lovingly as one would’ve hoped...

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Choosing to do the right thing she done her original Captain Britain costume and rescues Fantomex.

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Los Fantocho son una evolución alterna que posee Shuppet al encontrarse con un Poké Muñeco.
Son bastante más bromistas y molestos que los Banette, aparte de ganar el tipo Hada.

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3. HMMMM i haven't read all of the plays yet 😔 but i guess out of the ones i have read.....le fantome de l'opera? or maybe die by the sword? or stray devil blues? tough choice

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สถานะ: มีแมวแล้ว

🌷✨#TayNewXFantopia2020 🌻✨

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Vindo diretamente do lado escuro da força, Exel, ele só quer controlar sua alma como um fantoche (•w•)

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I drew this specially to somehow support Bright for the Fantopia as i can't attend the event but I know you'll do amazing as always ❤️

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Fantomex revels in the moment but we’ll soon learn that he and Betsy’s relationship is about to take another step when the Captain Britain corps arrive!

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Traveling to the Age of Apocalypse, X-Force needs to grab a life seed to prevent Warren’s ascension. Things between Betsy and Fanto are still icy and the X-men of AoA don’t make things any easier.

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Tensions rise among the team after Fantomex kills the child Apocalypse. Betsy and Deadpool struggle with their parts in the assasination and the trust for Fantomex weakens.

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The pair are reunited again in Uncanny X-Force Wolverine has gathered those he trusts to assist him in taking out threats deemed to awful to exist. At this time, Betsy has once again entered a relationship with Angel. This doesn’t stop Fantomex from hiding his affections.

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Je travaille sur un petit projet sympa en ce moment !
(et je lutte pour uploader des images de bonne qualité sur twitter...)

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