Jour 11 : Quelle déclaration d'amour as-tu préférée ?

L'histoire d'amour qui m'a le plus fait vibrer est He is a beast () !!! J'adore quand Keita et Himari se rendent compte de leurs sentiments !!!
Et toi ?

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i love how eve's twintails and himari's twin buns they really out here being the cutest EVER

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Is it just me or is Hagumi wearing Himari's outfit from her Halloween event card?

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quick xmas Shimarin, which is mostly just to practice some lineart techniques, so don't mind the lazy coloring

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aya + himari + lisa for the soul

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Himari got the anime glasses adjusting moves

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Just in case you had a bad day, here's a little Himari on your TL:

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Grand Theft Hog! aka Pachimari's revenge 😜

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tomoe and himari!!

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Been thinking alot about the anime Mawaru Penguindrum and Himari Takakura. Honestly kind of lost, so tried painting fanart to ease my mind.

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i haven't invested too much time into bandori yet but my best girl so far is himari! i think she's really cute and i want to learn a lot more about her!

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re-did my pachimario that i made a year and a half ago!

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Let's draw Pachimaris! A little zine of Pachimari player icons with all proceeds going to - deadline is December 15th! As detailed or as simple as you want, everyone is invited! 💖

Submit a drawing here:

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サークル名「HIMARI Project」
日曜日 東地区“ス”ブロック-14a に配置されました。

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My first fandom pre-orders are now officially OPEN!! If you're an and/or fan, this one's for you!! (While you're there, check out some amazing prints from at our new shop!) Pre-orders open until Nov. 20th!

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