A próxima é Hino Matsuri. Sua primeira serialização foi Toraware no Minoue, serializada com 3 vols entre 1999 e 2002. Em 2005, começou sua obra de maior sucesso: Vampire Knight, que teve 19 vols, indo até o ano de 2013. Sua adaptação para anime teve 2 temporadas, no ano de 2008.

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008. 황금빛의 혜성 셋을 담은 리버폭스입니다.
혜성중 하나는 눈가에만 머물러 마치 금안처럼 보입니다.
넘치는 힘을 가진 리버폭스는 흔치않게 전투적인 모습이 관찰되어 코드명이 붙었습니다.
쏟아지는 유성사이를 지나온 이 리버폭스는 훨씬더 크게 성장할 가능성이 높습니다.
(추첨x 무료분양)

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2008.4.17 マウスでペイント使ってた頃のチー
2008.6.18 アナログのメタグロスだっけ?w
2009.10.19 線画を取り込んで塗ってたラプラス
2022.4.9 今のぴょんなつ

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I'm seeing shit on my dash, I thought we left bad internet etiquette back in 2008.

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Luminous Arc 2 first released today in 2008. A DS tactical RPG with a soundtrack composed by Yoko Shimomura, Akari Kaida, and Yoshino Aoki and produced by Yasunori Mitsuda.

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A próxima mangaká da lista é a Yellow Tanabe. Sua primeira serialização foi Kekkaishi, serializado com 35 vols entre 2004 e 2011, sendo adaptado para anime entre 2006 e 2008. Seu mangá mais recente é Birdmen, que teve 13 vols entre 2013 e 2020.

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Metless ZeroX from 2008.
I've actually been looking all over for this! Found it in my LJ 🥲

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Hi Dear friends i'm selling the most important moment of my early career on .

Here's the 1/1 , originally published in 'Beast Book 2' circa 2008.


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Can YOU write a story in just 75 words? Paragraph Planet publishes one every day, and has done since 2008. That means it's published - (*quick maths) - "A Lot". Submit here: https://t.co/zEsiDVFDCx Please spread the word and here's a drawing I did of a mouse for illustration.

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代表 荒谷まで!

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GM all. I hope you have an amazing weekend!

Here's my piece "See No Evil" from 2008. Hopefully I'll be minting on soon.

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0.007-0.008. ETH on opensea

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Flashback Legends on GBA was in development in 2004, albeit commercially unreleased a ROM leaked in 2008. (via ) https://t.co/6y0OnYlldi

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After rewatching TTGL for the second time I needed to redraw some boys.

2022 vs 2008.

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Digging into the archives again. This is Wild Elf for a D&D book back in 2008. This was the original version, I had to make changes for the printed version.

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Random sketches from 2008. Mix of God Machine and Venture Brothers :)

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