Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Rick Dangerous 2
Publisher: MicroStyle
Version: Amstrad CPC
Year: 1990


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1) Very first video game:
Wonder Boy on a Amstrad CPC when I was age 3/4ish!

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One of my favorite games of all time, Arkanoid, I wish there were more games like this Breakout type game, had the fun weapons and power ups, top game

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If there is a series of games maybe everyone back in the played on there it's the Games Series from this is the Winter Games edition

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Escape from the Robot Monsters, what a game this was, the look of it, the boxart alone made me buy it, isometric shooting things, look at it

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A decent arcade conversion, Ikari Warriors, great fun 2 player game back in the day.

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Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Renegade
Publisher: Imagine
Version: Amstrad CPC
Year: 1987


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Become a Striker and manage your career, trying to work your way up the leagues or get transferred to a top team, didn't like this one very much the match engine was bad

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I never got on with Wec Le Mans originally, put this game is a great conversion of the arcade, the Speccy version is super fast.

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Match of the Day had a footy sim, with Jimmy Hill and Des Lynam, version had a highlights engine, was ok not the best.

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Played this loads, one of the first games that the tape was almost worn out, great game, the is an engineering masterpiece, it is still used today

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Me flipaba este destruye brazos!!! Cuando supe que este juego salía para mi lo pedí sin dudarlo! el resultado? dos joysticks reventados! Pero es que este nos preparaba para ser gentes de provecho!

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World Cup Challenge, you could only pick from England, Scotland, Rep of Ireland no Wales, take the team to World Cup glory, has all the official names.

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