no twitter, i am NOT going to follow the conservatives thanks

i'd prefer they go away because i would rather not fucking die if they get revoted thanks

0 2

Working Class people voting for the Conservatives.

39 154

a poem about being angry and gay and hating the conservatives

30 78

Me tomorrow if tory’s end up winning as i can’t even afford to live right now never mind die due to nhs prices

116 1040

Tory Minister Jackie Doyle-Price voted to repeal the Human Rights Act & the Charter of Fundamental Rights. What is it about Conservatives that they feel people shouldn't have rights?

Doyle-Price has a majority of 325.

People of you know what to do. Use your rights!

150 132

Day 2/12 days of the Christmas Election:

The Conservatives are going to continue to sell arms to the likes of Saudi Arabia. British Bombs raining down on civilians and children!

This is not the progressive forward-looking country that the UK should be...

19 20

Tory Minister Jackie Doyle-Price voted to repeal the Human Rights Act and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. What is it about Conservatives that they feel people shouldn't have rights?

Doyle-Price has a majority of 325. People of you know what to do. Use your rights!

139 127

Billionaires have helped the Conservatives raise £5.7m in a single week. The Tories far outstripped other parties - this is not a level playing field.

This is the people versus the rich - the Tories are trying to buy the election so the rich can profit further!

128 124

Mystery meat conservatives be like

3 18

The Conservatives were found out in trying to sneak through ways to strip workers' rights after Brexit. In spite of the evidence, Ministers like Kwasi Kwarteng denied the facts & insist the details are "exaggerated"!

43 26

The Conservatives have been found out in trying to sneak through ways to strip workers' rights after Brexit. In spite of the evidence, Ministers like Kwasi Kwarteng deny the fact and insist that the details are "exaggerated"!

26 19

The night before Elections Day 2019, we want to share some of the funniest Memes we made for this campaign! Hope you enjoy.

How Conservatives in Ontario feel right now!

2 4

Encomiable costumbre la del británico de recordar a sus clásicos: la "Masacre de Peterloo" de George Cruikshank (1819) reinterpretada por

más detalles

0 0

White Australian Conservatives over Hong Kong:

35 149