His stache just looks so beautiful and fluffy! I adore the way it even has a few stray hairs, it's so precious.... SIR I AM DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH YOU 💜💘💕❤💖

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When I think about it...Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik has gone through MORE redesigns then ANY other Sonic character.


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He made it just in time :’)

(a short stobotnik comic) [#agentstone ] 1/3

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as voted by you all, here's a :3c i'd like to gift this piece to our resident Robotnik-lover , who has been a creative powerhouse, total inspiration and absolute sweetheart for as long as i've known her and well before 🥰

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has my favorite style for Eggman EVER and seeing his art in IDW Sonic Bad Guys was a highlight of the year!

Adorable, handsome, & delightfully evil all at once- this is a perfect depiction of the egg💜💕

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Since It’s December, I thought I’d share these...what? Both wear red, have facial hair, got a flying vehicle, are fat, and laughs "HO HO HO"

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Considering that we are in December now....shouldn't this guy be home soon?


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I did a Satam Style mr Tinker. Because I was bored. XD (I imagine this version to have the same voice as Winnie the Pooh!)

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I have no idea why I made this. XD

"Gee Eggman, what do you wanna do tonight?"

"The same thing we do every night Starline...Try to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"

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(IDW Sonic Bad Guys

I just had to make a collage of Eggman in his purple scarf! He looks so beautiful, warm and cozy! I can’t stop admiring these panels, Jack Lawrence draws the BEST Eggman. I’m so in love 💜💖💘💗

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I really like how the new Dr. Eggman Sonic Channel art has a green tint to the shading and I just couldn’t resist making another aro flag edit! It blends so well that I barely had to alter it to make it work. :D 💜

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Y ou know what I love? How Eggman truly considers Metal to be his "son" XD Best father/son duo EVER!

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Now that I think about it....I guess you could say that Mr Tinker is like the modern counterpart of Dr Ovi Kintobor from Sonic the comic.

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