Electrode has to wear the tie like a headband and that's adorable

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This fall, Electrode and Wartortle join forces to teach the youngins about oral hygiene in this beautiful coming of age-story that is sure to stand the test of time.

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Thank you for 1K/2 followers!!!

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Gen 1 101: My version of as described to me by my son who is a huge Pokémon fan. I only use his description, no reference. The second image is the official on brand look on that

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Togekiss- A swan like design keeping the large body and wings

Electrode- Keeping the orientation of Voltorb and Pokeballs and furthering the "mimic" design of the pokemon as something disguised as a pokeball
an animal that rolls into a ball

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here’s my ditto/voltorb/electrode drawing 👀

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I had a dream about electrode the other night so I wanted to draw....... us.......

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Simplistic =/= bad. The idea behind voltorb and electrode is interesting imo, maractus is just kind of another forgettable one-stage. if you wanted to show an example of a mediocre pokemon to compare from the generations i brought up, you should've shown me one of these :p

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Ahh, electrodes.

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funny that you mention brio + electrocution - i have a side project where im trying to convert my ideas about brio into an original story so i could use it without copyright problems, and the brio-like character for it (still WIP) has electrode implants his master shocks him with

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It's snuggle time at Dani's place!

(Yes the electrodes are my censors)

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This is my new censor/a reaction image I made. This electrode shall judge you when you see porn.

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