Clean and tidied the tired wizard and his bby from yesterday's ! It was a very relaxing start and finish. Frumpkin reminds him that it's okay to be happy sometime 💕

6 16

Joined in with tonight and i ended up with a really nice drawing of sad n scruffy Caleb!! i added in a bonus Frumpkin and some fun painting. The show is rly fun, I'm def gonna have to catch up with past eps!!

3 26

I am at my mom place and I'm finally able to see the kitties again let's post this ! 🐱

5 23

Also Frumpkin has these colors 'cause he's a fat pumpkin you can't convince me otherwise

1 8

Resized the image and saved the file, so the original size is lost forever. Lesson: take breaks when you’re tired! Stretch or something! Anyway, opted for a fierce Frumpkin along side best boy Caleb. 🙌

15 68

okay yall talk about frumpkin blepping but have you ever considered CALEB blepping

11 56


Started this one ages ago, got stuck with the colours, but still ended up learning a lot. These two are always a blast to draw ✨

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Poor Frumpkin gets sent in so often, I am sure Frumpkin is getting fed up...

12 47

She’s heard really good things about this one and doesn’t want to wait until he’s done.

5 17

It's been a while since I could do some fanart. Had this image in my head of Caleb being... Wel Caleb. Ponder you magnificent wizard. #

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happy valentine's day!!! i combined the sweet prompts gave me, "showing affection via frumpkin" and "quiet downtime together" 😊💕and i added a fun lil doodle illustrating how cat allergies ruin everything ;;

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14 hours of drawing today and literally the only thing in the whole picture that matters is frumpkin

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The hobo wizard and his Fey king. Crystal colors behind them. <3

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