Made this art because black lives MATTER
I support the movement and won’t let them be silenced

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As a nbpoc, I will never choose to be silent.

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i cant go protest so here i leave this is not much but i hope Floyd and i know you all are strong the protesters you canbchange america chile went with the same thing but its frezzed so yeah i hope yall can change this.. Stay strong

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El 2020 será recordado a lo largo de la historia, así como cada persona que luchó por la justicia y la verdad. Esto no se trata de un país, se trata del mundo, y estamos hartos.

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I'm now offering $20 Sketch Donations in support of the BLM Cause.
-DM me with your request with Proof receipts (Timestamped Donations)
-Will do 7 slots for now..
Lets keep fighting! Lets continue to help out!🔥

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this man probably don't give a fuck about and mouvement

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I encourage other artists during this time to create, document, and educate the masses. Use your talent to emphasize compassion and understanding.

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the only veil separating us - is whether we define murder as right.

it is our duty as artists to record the present, as ugly as it may be.

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If they're scared, how do they think WE feel?

This was all that I could do to keep from crying today.

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Hi twitter. This illustrarion is completely free to use. Do whatever you like with it. Post it, print it, use it as you will. I do NOT want you to credit me. I do not feel comfortable profiting off of the death of another human being in any way.

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Repost this anywhere you wish. No credit or citation needed.

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Words by Dr. Megan Frost Babb, art by me.
What a force of violence silence is. Centuries of pain against a background of washed out apathy.

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