Los paralelismos del mundo.
Pero es inevitable pensar que menos mexicanos están exigiendo justicia para Giovanni que lo que protestaban hace unos días por Floyd.

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i cant go protest so here i leave this is not much but i hope Floyd and i know you all are strong the protesters you canbchange america chile went with the same thing but its frezzed so yeah i hope yall can change this.. Stay strong

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Art - MLK illustration for Playboy in the 1960s & RIP George Floyd

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🌏☮️ ✊🏾
It is time to stand for what is right for all of us no matter what and at the end of the day all we all human beings ~ I have a dream is to make the future a better place ~ RIP George Floyd ~

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Last one for today, making these feel like hitting a punching bag when you're angry.

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Πληρώνουν εγγυήσεις, συμβάλλουν έμπρακτα στην αντίδραση, καθώς η Αμερική φλέγεται: Από τον Στιβ Καρέλ ως τη Μισέλ Ομπάμα κι απ' τον The Rock ως τη Βαϊόλα Ντέιβις, οι επώνυμοι εξεγείρονται - με τον τρόπο τους https://t.co/TlKLO5CA4B

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As we watch continued abuse of force in response to an eruption of anger and despair, one wonders why the anti-tyranny gun-rights folks aren’t out rallying with the protestors. Then again, maybe we know why.

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This shit is crazy, most of us don’t know Floyd but this hurt. Seeing what happened Justice must be given to Floyd

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