I was experimenting with colours, and I really have a thing for cyan, pink and yellow. I didn't end up using it on this piece, but perhaps on another one in the future! 🙏

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Lots of arting in the past few days. It helps me deal with stress. This one is an digital art piece from 2019 that I touched up a bit today.

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So I did a redraw of one of my favourite scenes from Sherlock season 4 and I'm curious- which do you guys think is better???

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A commission for the wonderful and super-talented , of my two favourite boys, and I always love drawing them like this, can't help it. Thank you for the commission, appreciate you! 🙏

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What's this? The 8th card? Indeed it is, and it's of one of my favourite stories. I tried to evoke Holmes' inner dread when is shot by James Winter. Glad to be back, now it's only 2 cards left!

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"I had no thoughts at all, only an overwhelming desire not to feel anything ever again." Brief Encounter (Lean, 1945)

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„So I guess I can habe my socks back now love? I think that was punishment enough.“ Sherl grins kissinig John softly (Textby 😍💋)

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