Death mask to hide in
Naked at the desire bar
Burning stage behind


2 11


Enthralled with the spirit realm

Always in tune to auras & energy, knowing they can't be entombed

The ghosts that I called are revealed in due time

Personalities can't change, you will recognize their mind

2 3

The Unimaginable
Shapes poets
By unravelling
The magic ribbon
Of universe
They become
Warriors of philosophy..

26 61


Au coeur de l'été
On exhume l'insouciance
Juste le temps
D'un éclat de rire
Un soir de moisson

Son écho
Viendra faire vibrer
Nos âmes
L'hiver prochain


🎨David Mensing

12 24

•Daniele Serra

Their antics caused panic because they are manic
Enslaved to disengage the rightful reign
Mankind wished them destroyed but they were only lost in the void
Silent war rages until they learn- not to return

6 12

To listen universe's echo
I dip fingers into my soul's ink
Visceral need to find answers
Dwelling deep within...

Art Marcela Bolivar

20 54

Daily Prompt 5/16

"identity, self, psyche"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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11 17

lapping water at the edge under a green swept tree
little boat comes to the shore to rest and just to be

placid spot to sit and watch the world go by us today
a peaceful day with ghosts to play in nature's serene bay


4 11

Daily Prompt 5/5

"placid, serene, tranquil"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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11 19

Pretty pedestal
Dazzled in jewels
Facade of glory
To your narcissistic fury
Holding yourself above
Fray of my scattered body
Held up in victory
Taking of my heart
All your bastard duties
Abuses of my innocence
Purely your legacy
My survival
Retributions destiny

24 41

deep to dark blue wild
bobbing and singing loud

waves splash and laugh
why red upon the sea?

you give the sea the finger
scolding her giggles loud

to the shore

4/2 😀😀

1 3

Breaking through
Haze of my life
Seeing a bridge
To open light
Rays of an essence
Shining bright fluorescence
Paths of my story
Untold tales
Waiting to take place
On journey toward redemption
Your quiet presence
Aura of ancient blessings
Taking my resemblance

15 33

Daily Prompt 4/2

"unsinkable, resilient, buoyant"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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15 21

souls rising
no hidden corners
today is the day of truth
clawing in hard
stained hands will talk
crying won't help
too late to repent

pic S Idrassi

8 26

All energy has power to pull

Its just truth, not a rule

Many forget about the bathypelagic kind from the wet, dark, cold but their gravitational attraction for the celestial is very old

Galactic events shall commence......

2 4

Daily Prompt 2/20

"bathypelagic, galactic, gravitational attraction"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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12 22

Daily Prompt 2/14

"thorns, screaming at roses, prickly beauty"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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I painted an abstract as thorny-petaled roses.
Later, I saw screaming faces, thus "Screaming at Roses".

10 14

her Rain came
but it’s gon’ Away
to the Winds of beauty
she Sails
with that umbrella
he’s a fella
with Silvery moons
there’s stars in Bloom
& they shine
for this Captain every time..

2 3