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Delicate pleasantries in hiraeth,
Heartbreak's ragged panchard bloomings
With forgotten sanguine eyes,
Joy stirred in thickset strength,
Carvings streaked benign,
To crash in bouts
Of taut thoughts
#9linepoem #firewords280 #BookishTues #inkMine #PureDoe #inpoems #nonet
'At Independence Pass
perched on the scythe edge
of a predicament...'
Ruining The Negative https://t.co/KINzF0hPnT < #poem #poetrycommunity #TheTwainPoemsofEarthandEther
#art Trey McCarley
'...Well, he blamed her and she blamed him
For standing by, his purpose dim,
Their only hope, the marriage bed,
And space. He built a garden shed!' < < Divine Comedy https://t.co/ZOL0ebWf7x #GardenofEden #TheTwainPoemsofEarthandEther
Hiding your madness
After hours is folly
Play your joker
Win the game
Make crazy
Your ultimate fashion item
Free your inner femme fatale...
#vss365 #writtenriver #madverse #DimpleVerse #becomingfragile #inpoems #vss #poetry #mpy #micropoetry #poem
The #trick is the make
Your opponent
Not your opponent but
Your comrade
That way without #fury
War is won
As both sides are the winner
#vss365 #vss365a #DimpleVerse #becomingfragile #inpoems #micropoetry #peace #vss #poetry #mpy
Once I've said
I don't have hobbies
but obsessions
never thought it will end
but the first kiss of new one
I was swept off my feet
I don't know what future holds
glad to found new wave
#dimpleverse #becomingfragile #inpoems #vss #poetry #mpy
Tears of joy~
This is the sum of my life
And soul of my poems
Learning curve was challenging
Full of pitfalls
But I survived the healing fire
Truly happy ending 💕
#DimpleVerse #poet
#becomingfragile #inpoems #micropoetry #vss365 #vss #poetry
#mpy #poem
Queen's gambit
Rose shivers
giving birth to magic
~unforgettable legacy
#hangtenstories #madverse #BardBits #DimpleVerse #povprompt #FebruaryFalls19 #beautifulmess #writtenriver #inpoems #tenwords #nuromantics #natureverse #vss #poetry #mpy #CSchloe
Too many times
I found myself
On the wrong side
Of heartache
Trying to be kept secret
I am worthy of true love
My name screamed
From rooftops "I love YOU"
#DimpleVerse #poem #poetry
#micropoetry #vss #love #BardBits #inpoems #CSchloe
I've had hankering
For scapegrace with improbity
I knew I was in danger
But coming storm
Couldn't hide my need
Wolf Moon was rising
In my dark night of heart
#DimpleVerse #BardBits #becomingfragile #WrittenRiver #inpoems #nuromantics #vss #poetry
And making peace
With my past
Lift me up so much
I can at last see it was
All for the best...
#DimpleVerse #WrittenRiver #zenverse #BecomingFragile #JiltedVerse #inpoems #micropoetry #BardBits #vss #poetry #mpy #philosophy #love #life
The Unimaginable
Shapes poets
By unravelling
The magic ribbon
Of universe
They become
Warriors of philosophy..
#WrittenRiver #arielpoets #DimpleVerse #BecomingFragile #BeautifulMess #CStarPrompts
#inpoems #vss #Poetry #mpy #micropoetry
To listen universe's echo
I dip fingers into my soul's ink
Visceral need to find answers
Dwelling deep within...
#poemtrail #DimpleVerse #becomingfragile #soulwords #inpoems #micropoesie
#micropoetry #vss #poetry #mpy #poem
Art Marcela Bolivar
souls rising
no hidden corners
today is the day of truth
clawing in hard
stained hands will talk
crying won't help
too late to repent
#madverse #JiltedVerse #tastypoem #DimpleVerse #inpoems #vss #poetry #mpy #poem #God #micropoetry
pic S Idrassi
Artist's haven
bedlam to others
winsome dragon
firing passion...
#FP #hangtenstories #focusedverse #tastypoem #FictFri #140Line #DimpleVerse #inpoems #soulwords #CStarPrompts #vss #poetry #tenwords #micropoetry #poem #poet #amwriting #mpy
Indelible moira
Was unchangeable
She learned to float with faith
#vss #poetry #poem #faith #Philosophy #poem #poet #micropoetry #DimpleVerse #inpoems #amwriting #SuperBlueBloodMoon #supermoon #moon #moonverse #photography
My desire for you
Made you desirable
Not the other way around
#fsmpy #vss #mpy #micropoetry #amwriting #haikuchallenge #11words #philosophy #inpoems #poetry #poem #haiku #DimpleVerse
Loveable shrew
graceful ruler
intrinsic academic rebel
tenebrous romantic
#hangtenstories #writtenriver #TastyPoem #darklines #nuromantics #BookishTues #tuestell #DimpleVerse #tenwords #inpoems #IntrigueVerse #BeautifulMess #vss #poetry #mpy
You my dear
Are precious
You make me
At top of mountains
Majestic peaks
Pure pristine snow
I born anew
Each day we are together...
#lionsighs #inpoems #micropoetry #TastyPoem #wyldeverse #IntrigueVerse #magickangel #DimpleVerse #poetry #vss #mpy
As the mist clears
silent pulse
heart miss a beat
not again !
virulent pathogen
spewing vitriol
rose will not die !
she is wired to fight back
#ravensveil #PoemTrail #horrorprompt #darklines #inpoems #WrittenRiver #tastypoem #vss #poetry #poem