The Top 5 Movie Dream Sequences:

5. Seven-eyed goat Jesus (Altered States)
4. Arm through the grave (Carrie)
3. 26 vicious dogs (Waltz With Bashir)
2. The Man In Me (The Big Lebowski)
1. Nazi demons (An American Werewolf in London)

7 42

El bufón número 2, hace un vídeo para quitarle importancia a estar en un server nazi y planear tiroteos contra minorías admitiendo qué es racista, misógino, antisemita y no ve mal el material ilegal de menores ... No sé puede caer más bajo.

El bufón número 1:hold my beer ...

3 22

Speaking of genre films that were never made, wasn't there a Nazi zombie film called The 4th Reich starring Sean Bean, Sean Pertwee, Craig Conway, , and Jason Flemyng that was actually filmed but never released?!

What happened there?

1 1

Commision for the one and only
Once again, and also a doodle of me obligatory stopping to headbang because I was listening to 'Nazi Punks, Gtfo' while drawing this.

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One of the most compelling arguments from the Movement was the Prussian Pickhaube Helmet which looked like a Nazi Helmet but according to my research the Double Headed Eagle is Russian and German Helmets have Single Head Eagle?

Any Thoughts?

6 45

The is a bit
🔧We resist of any kind, even if they claim that they are on the side of the

8 25

Drinking an experimental explosive to keep it away from Nazi spies, Roy Lizard becomes a Uma Bomb!

2 5

Sniper Elite 5, my new review is out. Great game, even better landscapes, and of course Nazis as far as the binoculars can see! Should you put yourself on the wish list...

1 3

Today King Louis IX declared that all Jews in France would wear a yellow badge to identify them as Jews in 1269.

To add insult to injury, the badges were sold by the crown, meaning Louis would benefit financially.

Nazi Germany would revive the use of this insidious custom.

73 153

Five years since the Finsbury Mosque attack & murder committed by an English Nazi, hard on Grenfell, mass murder by complacent English neoliberals. Awful lot of complacency still stinking up our country

19 103

I don't even use discord but I'm gonna pick a bunch of far right fictional characters so they can get in a horrible explosive fight over which one is being a Nazi wrong which leads to them doxxing each other

0 3

Un dibujo que hice hace tiempo para un con un amigo uwu

(No, no soy nazi ni tanpoco el dibujo apoya ninguna ideologia, es solo un dibujo que me pidieron)

1 8

Zeon as 'stand-in for Imperial Japanese revanchist sentiment' is one of the things that gets easily lost in translation. Not helped by later Gundam works adopting more Nazi German aesthetics for Zeon, like the explicit 'Stahlhelm stormtrooper' design of the Geara Zulu.

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I have my own ideas German werewolf super soldiers. But what if we do a alien vs predetor and make a Vatican vs nazi remnant Werewolves

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Sorry to be a grammer nazi but that there in place of their ruins a good meme.

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by the comments/QRT's logic, this means Haruhi's a friggin Nazi

1 5

Racists can fuck off they have no place in my fandom!!!!! NAZI FURS FUCK OFF!

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