Find me a cuter FE4 girl than Phee.

Protip: You can't

0 0

Bad smell? Toxic fog? Just out on a and keep enjoying life!

2 1

i think abt tiny max + v tall rachel + tallish chloe all the time!!!

(protip: dont wear ur gf's clothes if she's 3 sizes smaller than u)

151 304

me @ happy elements protip for life

show me this man's past ok

[obviously edit]

412 325

PROTIP: Never tell Daki that she sucks at cosplay.

1 2

Protip: make your characters hot so you can become attracted to them

0 0

Protip: Putting stuff on your face feels real BAD

13 60

The most important elements to lip sync are the Jaw timing, hitting your closed mouth shapes and your teeth together “s” sound.

39 117

Sometimes you have no idea how to draw a certain angle but you do it anyways because FUCK IT

9 118

Protip: when someone you know comes to you with a truly shitty business offer, you gotta be like:

7 25

35 - protip: don't do a color study without a reference

0 1

Protip for naming bosses: just take a random German word.

6 12

protip : don't stare at pure Yuri, or major blood loss ensues...

6 0

What do you take with you to a con? We reveal what's in 's bag.

2 8