Nggak jahat sih...

Nyelekit banget kata²nya 😭😭 meskipun bercanda tapi jangan begitu juga kali 🤧

0 0

Maaf saya gak bisa tahan, tapi...

Kotak Kado


7 126

Aku tau pasti flop... Tapi tapi... Pengen nyoba

0 0

Telat sih tapi...
Congrats for your debut, Inori-san ✨✨✨

0 5

Well I did this for fun, and I used a mouse with low DPI... it was quite painful yet it took me 4 days to draw, it was time consuming af but then it turned out great. I hope y'all like it. :D

3 24

he sleepi.........

3 62

Che ne sarà di noi...
Delle fiamme ardenti
Dove brucia il desiderio...
Delle ruvide stuoia
Su cui posiamo i corpi...
Dei nostri pensieri
Che accarezzano i cuori...
Delle nostre risate
Che veleggiano sulla tristezza...
Che ne sarà di noi...

13 49

Among Us Picrew Among Us Picrew Among Us Pi...

0 6

long time no killugon... they make me happi...

style lowkey inspired by astro boy

3 34

Box art nya sih keren, tapi... ya gitu

0 0

I'm Harpy, I mean Papi though Papi is Harpy... Or is Harpy Papi... N-No defiantly Papi... I think. Anyway Papi is here and ready to have all kinds of fun and give plenty of hugs

Detailed as able
100% sub
Females only
Loves hugs

Rts appreciated

More info below

62 129

Por fin. Puto redireccionamiento.

El detalle es bonito, pero... a ver cómo sigue el epi...

0 0

also poppi is a qt pi....

13 75