Here's the recent pieces I've done of three AMAZING streamers at and . Please check them out and support their content!

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I’m not actually sure this is but it’s real close-up

4 27

My I now work in an smaller size but some years ago worked on 12" x 18 " 600 DPI... I was a bit crazy back then haha, the size of the files was ridiculous. I'm glad I changed that XD

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Mi como dibujo anime no me prodigo en muchos dtalles, pero algunos hay...!

4 19

TW: blood

most of my drawings are small enough that they don't look too different on so i dug up some of my bigger paintings for some nice, good messiness

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Joining I love details!💕

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Decided to join in on realized most of my files are absolutely HUGE for no reason, so zooming in all the way makes them incomprehensible.
And also really shows how much my style consists of chicken scratch

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I honestly I thought I worked too close up at 8x10 300dpi, but seeing everyone else's I'm actually zoomed pretty far out on full body pieces.

I love seeing the differences of how everyone works.

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sadly I cannot supply decent zoom ins since I work at a pitiful resolution.

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