Do you think modern news has finally caught up with the speed of gossip in the Highlands?

0 5

Any theories on why Roger and Buck traveled back farther than the usual 200 years?

1 3

Don't you think Bree & Roger could have made a plan for him to return if Jem wasn't found in the past?

0 12

What do you think of the psychic connection between Jem & Mandy?

2 16

What exactly do we think the thing in the tunnel is? If a portal, wouldn't Jem have traveled?

1 7

Anyone else feel the need to put a potting shed in their garden? 😂🔥🔥🔥

1 6

Which would you choose - religion or country?

1 3

Do you think a married couple should be completely in each other's confidence?

1 11

What did you think of the Quaker woman, Mrs. Hardman, who ummmm, received gentlemen callers?

1 3

Why do you think it's hard to help family? (If ye do?)

0 7

What did you think of Lord John's method of alerting Dottie to his presence in the Rebel Camp?

1 9

Between Dottie and the Duke of Pardloe, on whom would you place your bet?

0 14

Were you in Ian's place, would you tell William the truth about his parentage?

1 17

Want to talk about the irony of LJG being Jamie's prisoner?

1 5

How did you feel when Jamie walked into Claire's bedroom?

5 41

Would it surprise you if Rollo could follow Rachel's track thru all the traffic?

1 11

Do you think Arch Bug has gone mad by now? Do you feel any sympathy for him?

1 7

Were you surprised at the form John & Claire's grief took?

1 10

Did you ever imagine LJG married to Claire?

0 6