[A Small Gift]

Teresa: So you guys having an issue with Roza crying?

Axel & Linda: Yeah...

Teresa: Here, I got a small gift for her *She then puts a pacifier in Roza's mouth*

*Roza slowly stops crying and began to fall asleep*

Teresa: See, just gave her a pacifier

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Axel & Linda: Thank you for the help, you two, we appreciate it.

Roza: 😴

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Last Post, GN💙

Pictures of Roza Hazuki, so far:

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Axel: Mm, pie my favorite. Thanks😄 *He said with his face covered with pie*

*Roza finally calms down and fell asleep*

Axel: Whew, looks like she tired herself out by laughing *he said as he's cleaning his face*

Linda: *breathing heavily*

Axel: Um, Linda are you ok?

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*Roza began giggle*

Axel: Good one, Alice.

Linda: Yeah, good one-

*Roza then grab Linda's tail as she laughs with joy without her knowing*

Linda: Augh... The pain😖

Axel: Just stay still, sweetheart. She's calming down.

Linda: O-Ok...😣

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Roza: 😭

Axel (Panicking): U-Um, Linda! A little help here! Roza is crying right now!

Linda: Hold on, I'll be right there!

Axel: Ssh... It's ok, sweety, it's ok... *He said while he softly pats her head*

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Axel & Linda: Welcome back, Sinn. Long time no see😄

Roza: 😴

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Linda: You want to head pat, my daughter?

Roza: 😴

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ROZA cp向 短篇漫画本《欢迎光临》+ 性转泳装明信片套组
预售时间:2021年12月26日20:00 至 2022年2月10日12:00(北京时间)

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Axel & Linda: Glad to hear it turned out ok.

Roza: 😴

Axel & Linda: Oh right, we forgot she's still sleeping😅

She wanted to see you, but she fell asleep

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Linda: Good Morning everyone. Oh, shh... She's sleeping right now, keep your voice down


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Hello! It's Roza. If you are interested in my story, just click on my opensea nft link! 🔆


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Linda: You want to hold my daughter? Oh, and keep your voice down too, she's sleeping right now

Roza: 😴

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[Sleeping Angel]

Linda: Shh... She's sleeping right now, keep your voice down

Roza: 😴💤

Linda: Isn't she just the most adorable thing ever 🥰😊

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Linda: Hey, you ok? *She said while holding Roza in her arms*

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What will your OC do when they're ask to babysit Roza for a while?

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*Linda looks at her daughter with a warm smile*

Linda: Sweety, look at me☺

*Roza stops crying for a moment and looks at her*

*She then wiggles her cat tail*

Linda: Here, grab my tail.

*Roza reach out and grabbed her tail, and Linda is trying to hold the pain of her tail*

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Well, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of the mother's in the world including my mom too, love you mom😊

And also Happy Mother's Day to one of the most caring mother I created.

Linda RoseFire the mother to Roza Hazuki😍

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