[Sun God & Demon God Sisters]

Roza: "Let's defeat them, Sis!"
Lucia (Demonic Rage): "As you wish, Sis...😈"

Two sister's unleashing their new potentials to fight againts their adversaries.

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[Sister Bonding]

Roza is so happy that she finally meets her little sister, Lucia. She might not be related by blood, but that doesn't matter to her.

She is just happy that she's a part of a family that loves her.

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[Family Nap]

*Roza carefully opens the door and takes a peek*

Roza: Mom, Dad. Have you seen, little sis somewhere-

Axel, Linda & Lucia: 😴

Roza: Oh. Aww, they're asleep, how cute🥰

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[Sleeping Angel]

Linda: Shh... She's sleeping right now, keep your voice down

Roza: 😴💤

Linda: Isn't she just the most adorable thing ever 🥰😊

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