Does look like a regime that would respect international treaty & honor its own commitment ? Its promise is empty & meaningless. Treaty can't bind CCP, only economic sanctions & international pressure can

22 54

20.9.2020 is International day of supporting Belarus against dictatorship. Belarusian calls for international assistance from 20-26.9 by posting different photos as kind of support!

51 83

白羅斯人宣佈啱啱過咗嘅星期日(9月20)為白羅斯國際聲援日,鼓勵各地人由 9月20-26 日都發聲支持白羅斯,幫佢哋集集氣。

108 149

按:請多多參與 ,可以放Ig/fb,或印出嚟放喺黃店或者寄出,並一併寫低你對手足或香港人嘅說話,感謝各位!請珍惜每一位文宣手足嘅努力!

3 6

Thank you Sen Rubio for not forgetting how much and how hard the people of Hong Kong have been fighting for freedom and democracy against totalitarian

19 65

Don’t leave our behind.

Remember 4 basic demands of their families:
1 Appoint defence lawyer by their own (reject CCP appointed lawyers)
2 Rights to reach their family members
3 Provide necessary medicines
4 Send them back to Hong Kong

107 129

Unexpectedly, the year 2020 has brought together two nations in different parts of the world - Belarus and Hong Kong. Both here and there, we see persistent fight for freedom, and nearby superpower threatening independence.

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