沈黙?投獄? それとも自殺?
silence? imprisonment? or Suicide?

24 54

沈黙?投獄? それとも自殺?
silence? imprisonment? or Suicide?

5 7

The Lilliputian Dream.

32 72

Common Destiny, by Ricker Choi - 1 wild pig attacked 1 police officer, HK govt catch-and-kills wild pigs. Recall Gandhi's “The greatness of a nation can be judged by how it treats its weakest member”: Uighurs, HKgers, ...are persecuted, like wild pigs now.

16 26

記念理大圍城兩週年。。 畫了新作 "保衛校園 - Defend Our Campus", 16"x30" acrylic painting by Ricker Choi

161 331

11·11 五日抗爭者保衛中大,警察放了二千枚催淚彈, 令校園變了戰場。 11/11/2019 HK police attacked Chinese University of HK, releasing 2000 tear gas canisters. Acrylic paintings by Ricker Choi

166 226