Today I will visit the Scuola Grande San Rocco with its wonderful Tintorettos: a great way to learn what did against the epidemic plague events. Next Sunday the main festivity! Enjoy the painting by Canaletto in 1735

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A great work by Paolo Veronese at the Accademia Galleries in representing the crucifixion, I love this detail as it also reminds me of Tintoretto on a reverse mirror

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Creation of the Animals, by Jacopo Tintoretto

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성모의 봉헌,1553-56,틴토레토 Tintoretto

다윗에게 가는 밧세바,1552-54,프란체스코 살비아티 Francesco Salviati

야곱의 꿈,1799-1807,윌리엄 블레이크 William Blake

상징주의 전시회 <장미+십자 la Rose + Croix>포스터,1892,카를로스 슈바베 Carlos Schwabe

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Deposition of Christ

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The artist travelled to Italy (1600) & studied the work of Titian, Tintoretto & worked for the Duke of Mantua. Under the Duke’s patronage he studied classical sculpture & the works of Michelangelo. Artist & Isabella (1609-10), Samson & Delilah (1609-10) & Venus (c1608-10)

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New episode out tomorrow about Girolamo Zane, Agostino Barbarigo (L) and Sebastiano Veniero (R, painting by Jacopo Tintoretto), admirals during the Fourth Ottoman-Venetian War and important commanders at Lepanto (excluding Zane).

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Christ with Mary and Martha, by Tintoretto

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Follower of Jacopo Tintoretto/possibily Lambert Sustris, "Christ at the Sea of Galilee" (1570). National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

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2/2 Mars’s view, given to us in the mirror. Clever Tintoretto!

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3/3 Saint George and the Dragon, w/ princess getting away fast just in case. Love the zig-zag composition in this great painting from 1555 by Tintoretto, whose day is today.

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You can find prints of ten of my works at low prices in my Etsy shop, free postage to U.K. too! Printed on 300g Fedrogoni Tintoretto Gesso paper. 🙂

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If you have Sky or then tune in tonight at 9pm to see Tintoretto: A Rebel in Venice.... Looks interesting

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