Let’s get the prequels out of the way...
Prometheus (film) & Alien: Covenant (film).
I always found fun films to watch, liked the designs in the films and I liked the Android character David who sometimes pretends to be T.E. Lawrence...

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ugh, i caved and bought it - vr spooky streams in the new apartment. gonna play alien: isolation first 😄

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Really excited to say I contributed to "Alien: 40 Years 40 Artists" that just came out from ! Pick up a copy if you enjoy the Alien movie and seeing many different style of artwork.

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Learn How to Draw a Xenomorph Alien: Easy Step-by-Step Drawing Tutorial for Kids and Beginners. See the full tutorial at https://t.co/SC6YDIMH3e .

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So, now that "Alien: 40 Years, 40 Artists" has been released and other artists and articles are starting to reveal the contributions, thought I'd share mine!

"Derelict Trek"

You can find the book here:

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Did a crossover of Alien: Isolation and Mario, where all the Yoshis who die from game play come back for revenge.

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fan-alien: PolterJest, the Nexutrix's sample of an Ectonurite

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Fan-alien: MaulMouth, the Nexutrix's sample of a Piscciss Volann

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fan-alien:Pesticide, the Nexutrix's sample of a Lepidopterran

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Fan-alien: Berztetra,the Nexutrix's sample of a Tetramand

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fan-alien: Hindbrain, the Nexutrix's sample of a Galvan

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fan-alien: Bloodstone, the Nexutrix's sample of a Petrosapien

forgot to post this yesterday

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fan-alien: SpeedDemon, the Nexutrix's sample of a Kineceleran

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Fan-Alien: Killjo, the Nexutrix's sample of a Vulpimancer

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Fan-Alien: Changeling, the omnitrix’s sample of Skrull from

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fan-alien: Shamalien, the Omnitrix’s sample of a Mudokon from

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fan-alien: Speed-Shrew, the Omnitrix’s sample of a Mobian from

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Fan-Alien: Ultra-Flare, the Omnitrix’s sample of
a Kryptonian from

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Fan-Alien: Blood-Sport, the omnitrix’s sample of a Yautja from

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Reasons why Four Arms is the best alien:

number 1

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