Anyone who didnt see this coming from me really does not know me XP But regardless!! I drew a concept of a femboy Lady devimon AGES Ago XP Cant remember when exactly but drew a more original form of his mixing it with the Xantibody XP So... enjoy XD

4 18

Apologies for ending the stream so abruptly today guys. These antibiotics are really making me unwell and I literally had to run after pressing the end stream button.
I'll keep you updated on the rest of the week's streams, but for now, I'm going to bed.
Much loves

0 13

Played at my locals today.

Placed 1st

2-0 all my matches
Against X-Antibody, Shivamon, Three Muskateers and YellowHybridDuke

Treated myself to a blue fairy floss

0 9


1 6

Inhumane practice of keeping the world's largest marine mammals (predators) in swimming pools. As i have read it should be the worsest place for orca's. Where are your hearts 👉Marineland Antibes?
~John Hargrove Beneath the surface

2 3

Besides Ringdramon and Offmon(Ver.Digimon), I have another OC Digimon of mine and There are many forms of it. He is Lightningumon.
- X-antibody
- Netra

1 14

Happy birthday to my book ‘Celebrating Difference A Whole School Approach to LGBT+ Inclusion’ Thanks all who read, review & feedback. I hope it helps.

3 5

Just had a stressful but satisfying match against X-Antibody (I won barely)

0 8

necesito vender aunque sea UNA comisión para antes del miércoles

mi abuela está muy mal de salud (tiene una infección terrible y necesita antibióticos) y tengo que pagar unos gastos para la graduación (ya voy a salir del liceo)

dibujo lo que quieran

por favor, ayúdame

69 135

Aside one of the most iconic videogames women,she's the one who carries T,T-Abyss antibodies,the key to improve Uroboros,she's one of BSAA founders and het last mention is in BSAA lab:after RE8 ending,Jill MUST appear for plot choerence

1 16

Évaluer par contrat de confiance pour mettre les élèves en réussite : synthèse du groupe de travail d’après les travaux d’André Antibi

68 156


0 19

And in a way, that is perfect as the concept behind "X-Antibody" was really to think of "how a Digimon would look like if they were designed by someone else from nothing", in a way the X-Antibody was a good excuse to use something, that could just happen at any moment.

5 20

Not my best, but not my worst. For reference, the "powder girls" are twin sisters serving by Dianna's side. Their job is to spray nanomachines for purification and antibacterial use around Dianna.

7 45

Les Musées d’#Antibes participent à la 18e Nuit des Musées, ce samedi 14 mai de 20h à minuit. A cette occasion, l’entrée des musées Picasso, d’Archéologie, Peynet et du Dessin humoristique et les activités proposées seront gratuites de 20 h à minuit👉

6 13