Alyssa is doing such a great job on her reductive drawing in Studio Two!

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Studio Two artists are creating some incredible reductive drawings! These artists are focused on erasing highlights to show a full range of value.

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It's been great connecting with artist Cristina Troufa. I'm delighted that she wanted to be involved with this blog post & free presentation for art teachers.

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BeechHouse Media: Amplify Your Artworks Voice! Can symbology and colour amplify your creative voice? My latest blog is live!

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I love seeing thru the eyes of our photo students because they see things that I would have missed. Intro photo student Zane Larsen.

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Tonight was our last night of Art in the Animal Kingdom. Students finished up their large drawings inspired by Mexican painter, “Dualidad” mural.

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Humans could draw before they could write! Why not discover your own inner artist with the only cartooning guide you'll ever need? Top rated on Amazon.

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Art 1 (8th grade) “Cartoon Yourself” assignment. They practiced portraits then had to make a cartoon version of themselves (cartoon body optional) on Bristol board.

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Last night at “Art in the Animal Kingdom,” students continued working on their animal paintings inspired by series.

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5th grade Art Academy students are making terrific progress on their sculptures inspired by pop artist,

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Exploring the collection. Known for his watercolour paintings, William St.Thomas Smith also created large scale oil paintings on canvas. This, and many more examples of his work will be on display this spring!

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Ever tried making one of these pop up sculptures from popupology? Even the simplest ones are super fun to make.

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