Il primo oro nello Street Skateboard è Giapponese, nella notte infatti il giapponese Yuto Horigome ha vinto (con il punteggio di 37,18), davanti al brasiliano Kelvin Hoefler (36,15), ed allo statunitense Jagger Eaton complimenti Yuto! (art by tendou asuto )

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L' Italia conquista la sua prima medaglia d'oro a Tokyo 2020 grazie alla splendida vittoria nel Tae kwon do di Vito dell'Aquila che ha battuto il tunisino Khalil Jendoubi nella finale della categoria -58 grande Vito!

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E oggi appunto dalle 13,00 ora italiana (diretta su Rai 2) ci sarà la cerimonia d'apertura che aprirà le olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 e voi la seguirete? (art by Yamano Uzura)

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Me amenazaron para dibujar esta cosa y pues no tiene ningún contexto, pero ya lo dibujé y no hay vuelta atrás x'D

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Thanks for the tag, my love! 💜 Here are some of my characters from Verdant Hawk!

🕶️Celeste is a somber assassin.
📘 Deimos is a sarcastic, stoic healer.
👨🏽‍🍳Lazaros is a cheerful chef.
💋 Robin is a gold-digging dominatrix/crime lord.

More on them:

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Hello cool cats! I'm Bradley/Brad! 😺 Nice to meet you! I like cats and baking and run a Cat Cafe with 's Lazaros! ^_^ I'll be posting silly stuff feat me, my purrtners and fave people! 💜 I hope I make some new friends too!

Come in for a meowcaron and say hi! 💙

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Thanks for the share! This is Bradley Sabatini! He is a baker and wide-eyed idealist who grew up in a cult and aspires to help animals and people around him. He is jovial, impulsive, and cheeky! xD He also runs a Cat Cafe with 's Lazaros!💜

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I haven’t drawn a Sazaron in too long, so I had to rectify that 🦕🪐

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📌 Animation student, writer, wannabe musician, and overall handsome dork. Bold colors and thick lines are my style.

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Gift for of our gay and bi disasters, Seitus and Lazaros

* Technically* art; if you squint

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Happy birthday to Deimos and Lazaros! This is the picture taken of the twins on their first birthday!

Deimos and Lazaros were born on June 26th!

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tu ta com o lazaro?
sim ou nao _ _

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nooOoOOooOOOoOoOoOo diosito ayúdame, rechazaron al Gilbert

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No pos aqui lo mismo
La Old se enojo con la New poke la reemplazaron poke taba mejor ese asset audsaindsai

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Scoot el creador de FNAF habían descubierto que era republicano próvida cristiano y que apoyaba dichas causas financieramente, les ardió y mas cuando uno de los que apoyo hizo. Cosas cuestionables(político honesto ja) en fin lo doxearon y amenazaron y apoyo ella el doxeo ahora

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Waru vs Azaroth :)

Waru's Magic: Ultranium Energy and black tentacles

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