Saiko Intelli from Boku no Hero Academia! I gotta include her too! Just love her overall look. ^_^👌She’s giving me Satsuki Kiryuin vibes from Kill la Kill. Ahuehuehue I hope you like it!🍀

2 11

Honestly, what is with me posting belated birthday fanart in general? ^^" Anyway, happy belated birthday, shouto! uwu

1 5

Final version

made some changes on the effects

Midoriya Izuku

3 9

The ninja hero, edgeshot
he has one of the coolest costume designs in the anime tbh
also making him one of my favorite pro heroes

8 17

Boku no Hero - Momo Yaoyorozu

Primer dibujo con el IPad, que contenta estoy de haberlo comprado 🦑

9 25