Mr. Corbitt
Being newbie Keeper is difficult. Investigators fleed the House after meeting the Knife

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I know this ain't what Djinns are meant to look like ok, but this is my boy for a Call of Cthulhu campaign. Don't @ me.

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“Tall, pale and scarecrow-thin. With clothes as dark as night, and a countenance as somber as an undertaker’s. The uninvited guest knocked upon the thin glass, and waited to be let in.”

- Mr.Sleep, The Disintegrator

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Here is the collectors' leatherette version of the Malleus Monstrorum Slipcase Set. This special edition is a exclusive—it won't be available elsewhere!
Order now from our US, EU & AUS warehouses, UK & CAN to follow.

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The Scaredy Geek blogread the Miskatonic High/Lovecraft P.I. crossover and had great things to say. Full review:

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Soooo, it’s possible might be working on a cover image (no promises) for the module I was planning to run in Christmas which got delayed and expanded so now I HAVE to publish it. Victorian Weirdness & cosmic horror impend! Lä Sheob Nihhuroth!

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Ok so this week of darkness and Yule, on Christmas no less, because I’m a heathen, I’m playing for the 1st time... and I’m the GM. Any advice? Also, is there anyone who can tell me how compatible the supplement is with the current ruleset?

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Cover art for The Painting Frog's "Bride of Dagon" adventure recording Part V, now out on Youtube (in Portuguese only, so far). The adventure is so interesting and well-crafted 💚, I hope it gets a written version in the future!

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Thank you for making my day with such an awesome roleplaying session of with Sebastian and his friends in the setting of early year 2000. Here is the fanart of Sebastian!

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Lucie Lawrence. "Lucie?...ham, como desejar!! Anos se passaram e ainda não tens as respostas, para suas amarguras, pobre criança... boa sorte na sua jornada, em busca de respostas... e não deixe, que os reflexos do passado atrapalhem-na" E.⏳

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Irmã Soraia. "Oh gentil alma, sofreste desde pequena, suportando suas dores e perdas, dia após dia... que seu Deus proteja, sua bondosa alma..." E.⏳

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Nia Howell. "Ah pobre criança, suas dores a acompanham até os dias de hoje, será que um dia irá superar as dores de sua perda... e, até quando será refém, de seu trauma?" E.⏳

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Janice Wycroft

My favorite NPC from our bi-weekly Call of Cthulhu game! We’re running the Masks of Nyarlathotep, and my investigators befriended her in Australia (she was going to try and kill them...)

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