Doodle from when our halfling rogue Violet pwned a thief guild leader all by herself... whoah.

8 35

Dekker + expression meme = too much fun. My slightly off-kilter halfling rogue who ought to be kept on a child leash ;D

4 4

Dekker is v. excitable, esp. over simple things. I imagine this is when he saw rats recently... before they ate the party.

0 2

Old fighting pit doodle of the group's paladin & druid...!

0 4

My firbolg cleric, Askeladden! I can't wait to play him! :D

9 116

Apparently is a thing so here is Keldrin Do'tlar, my far-traveled Drow bard :D

8 11

Played around a little digitally with the sketch I made a couple of weeks ago.

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Morning doodle of my demon hunter Allastor.

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Happy holidays, everyone! I hope you get all the mistletoe smooches you want. <3

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here's the full size icon of rose

3 3

Was drawing my friend characters for Christmas presents. Got bored of them. Drew my Dekker instead :D

5 8

I just had to do a full portrait of the group I DM. The Misfires! In all their glory!

11 67

has a new icon for her Bloodhunter (as made by ) ! She came out kinda hot :P

4 16

Current thing I'm working on.. sad backstories? Sign me up friend

1 4

Lunchbreak-drawing of OTP smooches. (non-canon for now :P)

1 42

Made a watercolor dnd group pic. Tried out a slightly different technique by adding some salt.

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Mine & 's Lillymore & Osborn in the mercenary group DMs. <3

3 11