evil susan time

3 36

want to post Alien Baku and Jirou together so you can compare the sexual dimorphism in the species <3 Not too extreme

Once again, this species doesn't really... have 'nudity' since their exoskeleton covers their actual bodies, so females don't wear tops!!

34 312

A lovely comparison between (Mr.Baldimore.draws) and my Gonzalo!

2 16

The Unknown is a close relative of the Raths but isn't the same species as them. It's believed that the Unknown lacks sexual dimorphism, so one of them can be either male or female as well.

2 63

Nella tradizione folkloristica germanica si racconta, infatti che nel sambuco dimorasse una fata dai lunghi capelli d'oro dal nome Holda ed ogni contadino si inchinava dinanzi a questo sacro arbusto affinché lei proteggesse il bestiame e gli uomini da malattie e serpenti velenosi

1 8

[2/13] We can start off with the new color variations for the Sinoceratops, it's unclear which one represents sexual dimorphism, but so far we have Green, Gray and Brown now

9 43

«... nel pensiero l'essere perviene al linguaggio. Il linguaggio è la casa dell'essere. Nella sua dimora abita l'uomo. I pensatori e i poeti sono i custodi di questa dimora.»
(Heidegger, Über den »Humanismus« (1947), in GA 9, p. 313; trad. di F. Volpi, Lettera sull'"umanismo")

4 17

I did a DImori! This bean already found a home with MintyMilja @ dA

Again, I tried to experiment with shading, I'm pleased with the results ♥

0 6

Today’s is the Dimorphodon macronyx! This pterosaur had a wingspan of 1.2 meters (4 feet) and is known for its long claws and teeth. This species had fangs at the front of the mouth and grinding teeth at the back which suggests the pterosaur ate insects and small animals-

1 2

In lontananza, verso l’orizzonte, è possibile mirare l’incedere di un errante castello, la dimora di Howl.



2 3

Dicono che io sia pazza..questo romanticismo fa sì che io sia pazza
e che non trovi una dimora precisa,
questa..sorte mi fa soffrire perchè...sono un filo d'erba gentile e la pazzia,ahimè è un albero troppo alto perchè possa toccarlo.AMerini📷gori

12 17

I had a thought about how half-assed sexual dimorphism was handled back when they were actually doing that, so I used what little entomological knowledge I had to make them realistic. Female Heracross and Pinsir, and male Mega Beedrill and Ariados.

1 8

¿Anatomía de niña? Debo asumir que no te viste el tema de las proporciones en dibujo, o que en los libros de biología de hoy, el dimorfismo sexual y ontogénesis humana no se toca ni con un palo.

12 58

So I finally did DTIYS.

It's like a month late, but I hope you like it 😊

1 6

-demon people??
-dragon people??
-humans with horns
-I am sad that the females are not larger than the males sexual dimorphism
-I hope you guys lay eggs bc otherwise all these mothers die giving birth WHY ARE THEY SO SMALL

0 0

unfinished picture of andrew and his dad

theyre watchin lego videos

14 54

What if actually released a Jurassic World Dimorphodon that isn't just a smaller Pteranodon and it actually fits into studs? Well, here it is one! Better size, more suitable, and quite cute!

9 81