I got this adorable commission from as a gift from and LOOK HOW DORKISH AND CUTE HE IS AAA!! It's totally me 😊😊

Thanks Jammy so much for it! I LOVE IT

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tweet contains dorkishness

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MMMMMM dorkish drawing of me and my boyfriend

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I never play Kirby 64 but the fairy queen design looks funny and cute in a dorkish way that I like

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Finally reworked the charm setup for this one.
Can’t wait to print them again

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I’m madly in love with a dorkish demon lord what can I say?

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Red 'the wolf child'.
A girl cursed with the spirits of wolves she hunted in her previous life.
Pretty dorkish once you get to know her, also extremely edgy.
Sometimes don't know how to properly express herself, so she just come across as non-responsive or awkward.

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The Sherlock Holmes!au me and a friend talked about a few weeks ago.

Todoroki is Sherlock and Midoriya is Watson.💚💙❤

*congratulations to you if you recognize the pic I use for ref*

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i wanna protect this boy even though im aware he can do it himself

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My slightly dorkish fan art tip 'o the hat to Yeti 4 Hire. Love the big guy.

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