Yellow there, Lass. Blimey, your beauty is driving me totally bananas! Got room for one more on that a-peel-ing pool float...? Thanks a bunch! Now, let's make like a banana and split. The Snapshot of Summer Event starts now!

5 64

Y-y-yikes! A magic carpet ride ain't exactly what I had in mind when you promised to show me a whole new world, Lass! Doesn't this bloomin' thing have a steering wheel?! We're flying into the second half of the Arabian Tales Event!

5 54

'Scuse me, Miss Kitty! Are you a nekomata? I hear your supernatural powers really give people the heebie-jeebies! Whaddaya say we team up and play some pranks together? I have some friends I wanna scare! It's the Final Fever of the Spooky Summer Love Event!

4 53

This rec is so cute! Thanks Tierza!

2 12

Blimey, that's one big and juicy... apple in your hands! What's that, lass? You're feeling kinda sleepy? Never fear, I can wake you with a true love's kiss. We're in the Final Fever of the Lovers' Fairy Tale Event!

2 37

Oi, wait! Come back ‘ere! Blimey, that pretty princess left behind her glass slipper. Said somethin’ about the clock striking midnight and ran off! Guess it’s up to me, the dashing Prince Kobayashi, to save the day. The Fairy Tale Event is now on, mates!

7 55


0 19


0 23


1 36

Achoo! *sniff* Excuse me, Lass. I must be gettin' lovesick just gazin' upon your divine beauty... Either that or it's allergies...

The Final Fever of the Love Goddess Historia Event has begun!

5 59

Blimey, I really like your home, Lass! It's so... unique! Hm? Eat that pomegranate and I can stay forever? ... Should I do it, mates?

The second half of the Love Goddess History Event has begun!

4 34


0 25

You know, mates, I used to be a bit of a bad boy myself... So this month's App Packs struck a chord with me... I must have them!

5 54