鞍点関数による波形を gradation noise (fog noise) で歪ませる


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circle wave の色と周期と位置をランダムに


今回は試しに,録画に ofExportImageSequence を使ってみた

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sin wave の応用で circle wave にしてみる

> 円の 描き方を 覚えた!

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"blueprints": just a combination of bezier curves

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あけましておめでとうございます。何となく始めた毎日投稿も気づけば3年目。なるべく続けられるようにします https://t.co/pN3ckC5ilV

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さよなら2018年。皆様、良いお年をお迎えください https://t.co/IMTXu7Ymrg

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カラフルな山々。ゆらゆらしている図形を重ねて描写 https://t.co/KYwIpZhLhB

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day 16: theme; angular. Angular 6 is the latest version. Please be sure to keep your frameworks up to date! (I fell down the rabbit hole searching terms and somehow wound up reading up on typescript for half an hour by accident whoops.)

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All & all, a movie universe is often self-contained. Adaptations that do well expand that universe/adhere to certain zframeworks. Direct adaptations are not always popular. Imagine a comics series. One that adapts all the novels ignoring/embracing films.

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矢印の線を軌跡にしてみました。Long long agoと掛けたLong long arrowというオヤジギャグを思いついて発作的に https://t.co/qt1cEKMqCX

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Coming back to Fevral for another look with ..filling in the gaps with my own beliefs and frameworks. Jungian archetypical resonates throughout each piece. Stewart Francis Easton is without doubt, one of the UKs finest living artists

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Está claro. SCRUM y PMBOK son frameworks. La Agilidad, una filosofía.

Estos son mis principios. Si no os gustan , tengo otros :D

La guerra de las Metodologías ¿Scrum es una metodología ¿Lo es la Agilidad? ¿Lo es el Pmbok? https://t.co/mzZ2Kmulkm vía

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