"We will keep coming back here together."
"Until when?"
"Until we're old." 💜

101 518

Sometimes, the family is required to make an appearance.
I wish this for him: Becoming a real daddy. I'm soft.

284 990

Update: Jumin's meeting with the board was well-received.
His attempt at humor, however... *cough*

46 373

Today, Jumin has a meeting with Chairman Han.
Goodluck c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ with that. 🤭💜

Also doodled on behalf of (Hello, collarbones.)

40 295

Happy Birthday, Jumin! 💜

Not an celebration art as it should... But I didn't want this date to go blank; so here's a peaceful Juju with Elizabeth the 3rd. ^^

93 296

There might have been a few times Jumin was too insensitive... 😞😔
Zen's parents are a touchy subject.
He is now the second person (after you) to curse at Jumin, and the first to ever flip him the bird.

49 304

I don't know what will happen to the intern.

44 275

Jumin: I want your report on my desk in 30 minutes-
Intern: What report? 🤨

(... Uh-oh. 😶)

43 302

NEW! west space 1F the beautiful prolific illustrative art of solo exhibitor HanjukuOtome ! 半熟おとめ🐷初個展8/30~9/4

7 60

8:00am - Jumin gets a briefing on the morning meetings and makes his way to the elevator.

69 336

Jumin reading all the responses on the giveaway. 🤭💜 Thank you, guys.

30 241

I'm having Mr. Han approve something for you guys! 😊
But, there seems to be a revision. 😬 Please wait for it.

26 230

When Jumin sleeps on a 'commoner' bed. 🤣🤣🤣💜
"Ah, yes. Edges and corners."

93 446

“At my own pace... "
His voice lowered, "-wasn't this our agreement?'"
(Re-did my profile pic. 💜😳)

24 142