//=time() ?>
happy birthday captain @bebyJKT48 and happy belated birthday bebyoshi yang suka denial @DOchichoo 🎂🎁 kadonya ini jadi satu aja ya kan kalian sepaket //eh gmn eheh #22thnBebyJKT48 stay healthy and happyyyy! thank you for existing (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Happy birthday kapten @bebyJKT48
Panjang umur, sehat selalu, dilancarkan rezekinya dan semua yg dicita-citakan bisa terkabul. Amiin 😊😊
Black and White
Go on, we won't judge.
#theartworxblogspot #art #artwork #illustration #illustrator #watercolor #watercolorpainting #watercoloronpaper #jkt48 #fanart #jkt48fanart #bebyjkt48 #jkt48beby #gabyjkt48 #jkt48gaby #bytwin
@bebyJKT48 @gabyJKT48
まつり / Festival
I hide my heartbeat below the exploding fireworks.
#theartworxblogspot #art #illustration #illustrator #watercolor #painting #watercolorpainting #watercoloronpaper #fanart #jkt48 #jkt48fanart #bebyjkt48 #jkt48beby #festival #matsuri #まつり
Beautiful Farewell
You and me under the spotlights.
#theartworxblogspot #art #illustration #illustrator #watercolor #painting #watercolorpainting #watercoloronpaper #fanart #jkt48 #jkt48fanart #bebyjkt48 #jkt48beby #shanjujkt48 #jkt48shanju #bebnju
@bebyJKT48 @shanju