Ever curious about propagations of cortical activity? They can be hard to miss in fMRI with modern temp. resolution. We were particularly interested because of neuro lit. on hierarchical props and psych lit. on the development of top-down control in kids https://t.co/McN26o1Cvi

43 147

Peach Blossom Colony is a story written by Tao Yuanming, a scholar born in more than 1000 years ago. In his colony, people from different backgrounds gather together and there is no hierarchy. People appear in an ideal state of equality and harmony.#Folklore

1 6

Saint Michael is one of the archangels. The archangels are not in fact of the highest order.

In total there are 9 levels of beings in the angelic hierarchy. The first three (the highest order) are the Seraphim, the Cherubim and the Thrones.

4 57

A fun little thing that asked me to do 😭 basically a vampire who’s heir to a vampire hierarchy because he was given a “gift” of sorts (meaning that he has the old hierarchy’s power due to a… mishap?)

0 1

“Run back and forth in appearance like a flash of lightning” - Eze 1:14

The Book of Ezekiel described the Cherubim with two pairs of wings and four faces: one of a lion, one of an ox, one of an eagle, and one of a human.

[Canon Alex lore | Hierarchy]

5 7

"La Vergine, che custodiva nel suo cuore ogni parola che Dio le rivolgeva, è il modello di quelle anime attente in cui rivive la preghiera di Gesù sommo Sacerdote."
S. Teresa Benedetta della Croce
Buona Croce e santa giornata!

9 37

Lo único que mi cerebro entendió fue que le hiera un dibujo. espero que sea de su agrado este dibujo https://t.co/xoyKMUxaug

6 49

Trying to figure out Live2D's deformer hierarchy has my brain sounding like a PS4 trying to run Cyberpunk 2077

1 15


heres my piece, "Hierarchy" :)

1 0

Omega's hierarchy of fluffiness

145 362

✨A HIERARQUIA VAI MUDAR! Em entrevista, comenta:

"Estou 100% comprometido não apenas com o Adão Negro, mas também expandir o universo do Adão Negro e o universo DC."

73 964

✨ Vocês queriam que a hierarquia mudasse?

Novos pôsteres de

53 477

É nessa cena q a Hierarquia do Universo DC vai mudar?

8 167