Suzu Houjou.

is one of my absolute favorite films. I really hope that some day we get the extended version outside Japan. 💖

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where we are at right now... it's like I'm watching the dvd all over again.

video coming soon

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Selanjutnya ada "Tea at The End of The World". Sebuah draft novel sejak tahun 2015 yang baru-baru ini saya re-write dan rencana akan dipublish secara indie.
Mengenai Pak Tua dan sudut pandangnya mengenai dua dunia: akhir dan awal dunia.


3 10

“No Nathaniel, no. There must be more to life.”

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"'Yes, the chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one' he said
The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one..."

"But still they come!"

A tribute piece to my all time fave story; the Mother of all Alien Invasions.
Maximum Effort.

5 10

Traditionally, goldfish,have been used as a symbol of good luck and good fortune also goldfish have a strong association with abundance- especially if they cone through your door or window

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Això dels tres Reis sempre m'ha grinyolat, ja de ben petit: com podia ser que el més interessant del tema -els camells o dromedaris, tan li fa- no aparegués mai en escena? Segueixo amb l'espina clavada... Així que vet aquí els weekly :

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鶴見萌&的場華鈴 🎉合同生誕祭 🎉「鶴見萌 Moet of the World」
「的場華鈴 太陽の向こう側」


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. just gave us a cute fun lil mv for one of the best songs on smile and yeah maybe its after all ❤️


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