Ich verspreche für morgen keinen Stream.
So richtig besser ist gerade nicht.

Die Pancakes mit Ahornsirub waren allerdings ziemlich gut, um noch was positives da zu lassen.

Depression ist Mist und ich verspreche das ich gerade Alles tue um ihr in den Arsch zu treten!

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Ma Béa tu es une warrior, tu m'impressionne tellement par ton immense courage et ta positivité. Je t'envoie tout l'amour et toutes les ondes positives que mon cœur peut contenir. Nous t'aimons fort ma Béa adorée 😘💖⭐💝

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(Alter is on the mooncell as usual, watching the various surveillance monitors with a bored expression.)

Hmph...even with its conveniences and positives, this place causes me to feel rather dull.

At times like this I must confess I do miss my dear friend Toby.

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Chose promise, chose due ! Voici les couvertures sur lesquelles j'ai travaillé aujourd'hui (pour les collections Merveilleux et Fantastique).

Si vous avez des remarques (positives ou négatives), j'aimerais les entendre !

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I just see and it sounds very positives so 🙏 thank you for being so many to follow me, it’s mean a lot !! https://t.co/9Rm8JeeNOx

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Finished cleaning up after the flood. Gonna need a new fridge and lost some items, but no big damage.

Also the water drowned a nest of black widows(common in my area), so gotta look at the positives in life 🥴

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AH! you okay in there?

It looks like your skin grew er... well, into metal? I'm sure you'll be fine, I mean, eventually you'll molt and have um... extremely well tailored armor?

I'm trying to find positives on this cause you look really mad at me right now.

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Living in Hong Kong, I struggled with body issues because mine didn't look like everyone else's. I'm realizing that I don't have the "ideal body type" but I'm still beautiful in my own way & so are you!

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☀️It’’s so warm some days!😎
Sweaty feet are something a lot of us dread!
Sweating does have positives, it keeps feet soft, hence preventing cracking. But, build up of sweat =bacteria =smelly, sweaty feet!
Wash daily.

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Keep doing it, it's fun, relaxing and weird stuff turn ups and you get better. . . which are all positives! My early drawing work. . .

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Relax, release, lets vibe lets talk home of vibes gives positives and hype as well as family friendly content welcoming everyone. https://t.co/qlM5jiIY75 and

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Je t’envoie plein d’ondes positives et de force 😘

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Bravo à l’ qui a créé une carte du monde participative avec des histoires positives ! Parmi elles, plein d’histoires d’animaux sauvages qui ont repris leurs droits dans les villes et les villages pendant le confinement >> https://t.co/iAeVFBfHLJ

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Here's a sweet piece I did as a facebook banner for my own personal account to hopefully keep any negativity away ^^ Used random things I thought were positive and/or calming.

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On explore your best self by being you and being happy.

'Be Happy' is a guide to help teenagers focus on all the positives in their life, set goals and discover the best in themselves.

Buy here: https://t.co/r4PpktXFq2
Courtesy of

2 4

Teaching has negatives & positives. I always tell my student teachers that the positives have to outweigh the negatives to last. I opened my email today to the most heartwarming student thank-yous. The words are so powerful and get me through.

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I'd like to highlight the 👇

Attention to Detail
Deep Focus
Observation Skills
Absorb & Retain Facts
Visual Skills
Methodical Approach
Expertise in Topics/Skills
Tenacity & Resilience
Accepting of Difference

More: https://t.co/H03DO7tjy2

5 8

Je viens de finir et vraiment un grand bravo. Cette dernière saison était très bien écrite. La série est rempli de thematiques fortes traitées de manières positives et qui permettent d'en ressortir confiante. Je ne peux que vous la conseiller.

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|Que dit la Recherche | « Perceptions d’acceptabilité des tablettes en classe », article de J. Mulet sur
- Des perceptions positives mais à nuancer
- Nécessité d'un double accompagnement technique et pédagogique

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This Lizard can Folk me for as long as he wants, if you know what I mean! Positives: stacked, cool head ridge, can hold his breath for “15 minutes.” Negatives: cloaca. 6/10

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