Collab time!
Me and rokoko we’ve done our fav characters!
Here’s her Rohan lined and colored by me!
(the other part of the collab is available on her account! ❤️)

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Rikiki and Rokoko, the acrobat mages!

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📌Rokoko döneminin ünlü sanatçısı Venedikli Antonio Corradini, yaşadığı dönemde örtülü heykel üslubunu başlatanlardan biriydi. Bu heykellerden biri olan İffet heykeli aristokrat bir ailenin şapeli için yaptığı 3 eserden biridir.

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I have several, but one of my recent ones is my Aarokokra monk, Antero. He's quite stern and curt in manner, but he's got a soft side, especially for those who are willing to listen to his lessons. He lost his wings during an attack on his temple.

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Andai masih ada rasa kasih & sayang dalam hati Kanda buat Dinda dan anak2, berhentilah merokok. Jika Kanda tetap tidak mahu berhenti merokok, paling kurang pun berhentilah merokok di hadapan kami. Hisaplah racun itu seorang diri tanpa perlahan2 membunuh insan yang Kanda sayangi..

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Going to on April 25-28? Rokoko will be there holding a workshop to teach you how to use the Smartsuit Pro to make animations for your games! 💪

Sign up here:

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Smartsuit workshop at Nordic Game Jam! ✨

This year at Nordic Game Jam, Rokoko will teach you how to use the Smartsuit Pro to create animations for your games.

More info and sign up:

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I love how Shin's cinfes dress screams those rokoko vibes in a odd and pinky way 💖 Marie Antoinette is shocked 😂

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Hukum menghisap rokok telah jelas difatwakan haram, oleh majoriti ulama yang merujuk kepada ahli2 perubatan.

“Jika Allah ‘azza wa jalla mengharamkan untuk mengkonsumsi sesuatu, maka Allah haramkan pula upah (hasil penjualannya).” HR. Ahmad 1/293

Karya: Naw Labqi

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (1696-1770), also known as Gianbattista or Giambattista Tiepolo, was an Italian Rococo Era painter.
Rokoko dönemi ressamı

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Khas buat perokok tegar 🙏🙏🙏

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Fransız Rokoko Ressamı ve Gravürcüsü; Jean-Honoré Fragonard

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Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi, dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin

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Rokoko-Ranken, J.G. Schelter & Giesecke. Rokoko-Ranken typeface, 1898

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"Roadhog and Friends" | Artwork by Kirokokori (

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