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Ik heb vandaag een poging ondernomen om wat nuance en rust in het Arenberg-twitter-kiekenkot te brengen: voor diegenen waarbij dat geen effect heeft had, bij deze toch nog een kieken-tekeningske als zoenoffer. … Wees een beetje vriendelijk en pikt ni naar mekaar! 😉

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A Battle Network to keep off the rust

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It's been a super long time since I've done some randomized pokemon fusions and shiny hunting has got me back into doing so, so wanted to share these super rough sketches as I try to get back into it- I'll probably clean these up once I get rid of some rust I have~

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Yeah, I’m late to the party, but we’ve been on vacation 🤷‍♂️

Lil Joel sketch to shake the rust off…

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Been doing some ~30 min spitpaints to knock off the rust*

(* this is a j o k e. The rust is forever)

Left, 'lily pad raft'; Right 'armored body'

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NOW a ghosty rust for YOU to have! Dm to claim this fantroll!

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Metaldent is an Alloydon from the planet Screap. She has very powerful jaws with metallic teeth. Her saliva can spread something similar to rust on anything she bites.

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Borealopelta! an exquisitly preserved Ankylosaur from North America, we know thanks to its preserved pigment cells that it was countershaded: rust red on top and sand-ish brown on the bottom!

(image courtesy of the museum)

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“Sunday clears away the rust of
the whole week.”

(quote by Joseph Addison)

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Although they aren't always used for X-Antibodies, at least directly
For Rust Tyrannomon As'maria wasn't sure if this would be an X-Antibody, there was a slight difference in coloring that can be interpreted in many ways such as a sensor light or Digicore

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Okay what if Geo but Meteor Dragonborn armorer artificer??

I think I would rust cause I'm made out of iron and hella old.

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J'avais pas mis mon petit Rust sur twitter

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The most underrated Iconic monster of all dnd :c
let's all cheer for rust monster!!

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shaking off da rust……love this guy

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