This Ladies' College photograph is dated 1895 and depicts the porters, pages and clerk of works.

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I feel so lucky to teach & watch my students everyday! The project my students are working on is allowing them to explore different mediums, while sharing a little bit about themselves in each square.

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Glimpses in to a most promising art exhibition next week...

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A character I created for our Thursday campaign: a Svirfneblin named Athathequa Noothequa (Uh-THATH-uh-kwa NOOTH-Kwa) © 2018 Matt Ray

6 25 A blog explaining the process behind the grade 6 animations. This was such a cool unit.

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Galaxy painting +megaphoto +Procreate portrait +stop motion +soon to be combined with DoInk animation. Layer on layer by grade6

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The BEST in the State of Michigan so far this school year! Sophia Cueva, Sr. IB Visual Arts. “Into the Forest”. Colored Pencils.

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SchoolArts is looking for lessons and articles on Media Art for an upcoming issue! Media Art refers to artworks created with new media technologies. Contact Editor-in-Chief at if interested in submitting an article!

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Red can represent passion and love, but also war and power. What kind of 'red' does this young queen represent?

"Red Queen" by GjschoolArt:

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