Figure silhouettes with 7-9 line rhythms going around. Started with white, create a value scale of tints to shades. Created by 8th graders using acrylic paint on canvas board.

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More bottle shading techniques projects. My advanced 8th grade students are so creative, care and take pride in their work and their craftsmanship for 8th graders is incredible!

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Amazing still life gourd drawings using colored pencil on black drawing paper created by advanced 8th graders. They created their own compositions and drew from life. Opposite colors for shadows.

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Hand contour drawing with added details by advanced 8th graders. Sketch and wash pencils added a graphite watercolor effect. Give them a hand for doing a great job on a difficult subject! 🙌

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Art 1 (8th grade) “Cartoon Yourself” assignment. They practiced portraits then had to make a cartoon version of themselves (cartoon body optional) on Bristol board.

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Posterized paintings by Art 1 8th grade. Final project.

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Metamorphosis/transformation drawings by 8th grade Art 1.
Students chose own subject and media.

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6th graders studied Kandinsky/nonfigurative art style to create watercolor paintings based on a song they chose.

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In Art 1-8th grade we are working on transformation/metamorphosis drawings. Here is a completed one by a very talented student! More to come after spring break!

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The talent of the 8th grade artists in Art 1 class is amazing.
Scratchboards using hatching and crosshatching and the very first time they ever used this art medium.

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