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Although life can sometimes be difficult, we still need to keep an optimistic and happy attitude.
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Received amazing ideas from thelifeofnolo and it turn out great!⠀
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"You are your child’s biggest advocate, especially when they are young or have higher support needs (in time, they can become their own best and biggest advocate)." @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
Christa Holmans is a bold and dynamic advocate for autistic people and neurodiversity. She's the pioneer of #AskingAutistics hashtag so autistics have a voice. @NeuroRebel @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/Kp8IhoX6SE
"I am very open about my diagnosis and I communicate to the people around me how to work with me and how they can help me to be my best." @autismpastor @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx
A Day in the Life...Dr. Lamar Hardwick, Pastor, Family Man | Interview @autismpastor @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx
Dr. Lamar Hardwick knows in which types of environments he thrives best and has set up his life to make the best use of his many strengths. @autismpastor @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx
A Day in the Life...Haley Moss, Lawyer, Author, Artist | Geek Club Books @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
"I’ve experienced a lot of what I call “benevolent ableism”—a type of discrimination that’s disguised as being kind and caring and is subtle exclusion." @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
"Every child has potential and the best way to support them is to ignore what others are doing and help them to find their greatest potential, whatever that looks like for them." @autismpastor @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx
"Each day is different. Since I am currently in my own business, I am the one in charge, so self-accommodation is a blessing." @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
Dr. Lamar Hardwick is a leader in his community, both in his role as pastor and being a positive autism advocate. What does a day in his life look like? @autismpastor @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/QuwPqRM0qx
Happy 50th Birthday to the marvelous musician/actor SEU JORGE! Unforgettable as Pelé dos Santos in the Wes Anderson film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou performing the songs of David Bowie. #seujorge #thelifeaquaticwithstevezissou #davidbowie #wesanderson #riodejaneiro
Haley Moss was diagnosed as autistic when she was a small child, but she grew up with the love and support of her family who focused on her strengths. @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
Haley Moss grew up knowing that she could do anything she set her mind to. After practicing law for a time, she now owns her own consulting business. @haleymossart @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/H06UIBukVz
Jody meeting one of Rayman's friends xDu I did a redesign of her as a teenager :) Jody from #thelifeandtimesofjuniperlee /Judd Winick, Cartoon Network Murfy/Michel Ancel, Ubisoft #Juniperlee #rayman #fanart
#Crossover #CartoonNetwork #Ubisoft
Rebecca Burgess is a talented illustrator and comic artist who works to create beautiful things and increase positive dialogue surrounding important issues. @theorah @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/CH3hgTG14w
Jenny Bristol is a freelance writer, author, homeschooling parent and classic nerd. What's a day in her life like? @jennywbristol @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/IyT6oHMlq1
A Day in the Life...Rebecca Burgess, Illustrator and Comic Artist | Interview @theorah @geekclubbooks #ActuallyAutistic #dayinthelife https://t.co/CH3hgTG14w