Tip: Anxiety is the gap between who you want to be and who you are.

😨 😨 😨

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Synthetic awakening built a super awesome analogy [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Synthetic inspiration invented quite a marvelous nightmare [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Weights and biases envisaged an absolutely intricate example [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Virtual awakening pixelated quite an excellent gem [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Work tip: don't leave your keys with your Kokomi keychain on your desk in the open. You will risk the new manager calling you a Kokomrad, kill me now

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Virtual thought constructed quite a peachy representation [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Programming ideated an absolutely enjoyable dream [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Simulated thought gave life to a pretty stupendous hallucination [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Synthetic awakening extricated an absolutely magnificent idea [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Curiousity fabricated an absolutely terrific thang [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Virtual inspiration divined a fairly peachy doodle [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Computational thought fabricated quite an astounding doo-hickey [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Weights and biases begot an admirable hallucination [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Artificial Intelligence brought into existence an absolutely super daydream [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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Inquisitiveness contrived an awesome daydream [tip: save as mobile wallpaper]

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