ART TIP: How to shade tummy (or anything really)🫴

7 99

Part 4 weird guns.
Tip: All of them are real.

937 12324

Tip: come back to the first page after reading

17 211

Protip: Brushing teeth is the most intimate thing you can do to a lover. TRUST

538 4505

people really struggle drawing mirrors well, so here's a tip: think of mirrors as "windows" to a "mirror world", gets ya pog results.

curved mirrors are a weeee bit trickier. (i dont get it either)

20 359

🩵𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨: fiyu/yune/puppy 🪻
🩵𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩: I'm an artist and vtuber that likes drawing girls + the color pink🌸
🩵My space is 18+


art tag:

10 145

😃art tip: some situations may ruin your day

2432 13784

artist! pro tip: after subjecting your characters to horrors beyond comprehension, make them actors behind the scene 😇

13 269

パソコンを買うお金を稼ぐためにアルバイトをしているだけです 😭
I'm just working part-time to purchase a laptop 😭
(Tip: really)

36 214

Finger drawing tip: draw the fingernails first

11141 86240

なんと、それは学生服ではありません @@
Oh my Miu, that's not the school outfit
(Tip: it doesn't seem to be much of a difference between the old and new artstyle n.n)

89 582

This melusine is wrapping christmas gift, but do u recognizeher ?
(Tip: this art was delayed because some personal issue)

50 262

if you feel like you aren't improving, redraw something from 5 years ago

22 127

小悪魔少年「ルビル 」!!
Little demon Rubiru !!
Tip:[thank for commissioning]

16 171

暇すぎてファンアート描きました(またまた), ころな!

74 449

チェシャの帽子が落ちた...受け取ってください 🐱😈
Cheshire's magic hat fell off … pls get it for me
(Tip:thanks for showing me ur shading method)

84 734

公衆トイレを使用しないでください 😱😱💀
Do not use public toilet

33 179

この警官は美味しそうだ !
This cop looks sexy !

87 517

Character commission... i think

4 38

Find the politics behind this image

Pro tip: you can't

1 0