"Yuichi t tro petit lol"

3 8

I went back tro ty digital and i either need more work i spent too much time knowing my lines will be very sketchy either way is ok.👍

Something warframe-ish random idea

10 53

Recently doodled some Nose-tro and also her two best friends, Soft the nice and Fairy mc beef.
They belong to and respectively, if u like some good art, follow them!

3 10

Il était 6h du mat' et j'avais envie de dessiner pour m'occuper mais j'avais aucune idée pour changer.

J'ai donc dessiné Marvin, l'OC de et j'espère lui avoir rendu justice parce qu'elle est trop bien. Allez voir son profil, c tro bo

2 12

190324 RE:tro 화정 팬사인회

Rocky Potter 라키 포터 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️

18 26

Wir yn edrych 'mlaen at gal cwmni cyd-Gardi ar yr Hwyrnos heno! Tro dwetha i ni siarad, nath hi arlunio'r rhaglen (chwith) ac ers hynny ma hi wedi bod yn neud GYMAINT gyda & mwy! Tiwniwch fewn am 7-10 https://t.co/Nmmxes9llV

5 24


2 6

A little bit of late night environment practice. Need to do more if I'm going to flesh this world out. One of the many locales my Q.tro and friends will visit..I call this place Queen's Sorrow. 😪

6 21

Natasha (Enteii-sensei) WIP. The only palette guide I have of her is an old photo with the adoptive family and her dead sprite in the deepest floors of Byalan (ft. Sessei's Seria) back in tRO days

0 7

elle est tro-trognonne ( >w< )~❤️

1 6

Tip top creative jobs this week are from Soho House, TRO, The Telegraph Grad Scheme, Channel 4, Publicis.Sapient, AKQA and more! Head this way to discover our jobs board: https://t.co/6AerbOcoUn

6 6

Voasi un dessein pour continu t'on mangas c tro genitale

2 6

EP gyntaf ‘Ar Dydd Fel Hyn’ allan Tachwedd 9ed ar . Ond am y tro cyfle i fwynhau trac a fideo newydd oddiar yr EP - dyma ‘Edrych i Mewn’ ar https://t.co/S2eENxuDFN

3 2

I wanted to draw a mermaid for the last tro days but didn't get to do it. now that i'm home this weekend i finally could do it

0 0

Dying to get back to this series of characters and returned with the initial antagonist UNO, a top class battle mage who wields a single magic blade, is going to be quite the adversary for 
Q.tro and his crew to overcome. 

30 57

Diolch am chwarae fel trac yr wythnos, wsos yma. Wsos i heno mi fydd yn camu ar y llwyfan 😀

Bora fory mi fydd cyfle i glywed ein sengl newydd "Galw Ddoe Yn Ol" am y tro cyntaf ar raglen

Allan 12 / 8 / 18

2 5